3 Yard-Based Jobs To Perform To Complement Your Home Security Cameras

Installing security cameras outside your home is an effective way to reduce the likelihood of a break-in, thereby helping to protect not only your family, but also your property. Coupled with a home security system, your video cameras, when placed in visible locations, can be enough to send a would-be thief on his or her way. You can further increase the security of your home by creatively performing some yard maintenance jobs. Coupled with your technological deterrents, the right approach to maintaining your yard can be effective at decreasing your risk of being a victim. Here are three jobs that you can handle on your own.

Reduce Shadowy Areas

A yard full of shadowy areas can be inviting to a thief or prowler who wishes to lurk in the shadows and watch your home. If it's been a while since you tidied up your yard, grab some pruners and a hand saw and take some time to reduce any shadowy areas by removing dead branches from the bases of shrubs, hedges and even trees. If you have an overgrown garden or grassy area, use the proper tools to cut these areas down to size. A little effort will result in fewer potential hiding spots in your yard and less of a chance of someone hiding.

Install Security Lighting

Security lighting is a valuable accompaniment to security cameras. Together, these two elements can effectively discourage any would-be home intruders from targeting your home. It's ideal to install security lighting with motion sensors to ensure that each light will illuminate the area upon sensing movement. Installing lights on your front porch, above the garage and even in your backyard is useful. Further security lights, in the form of lighted gateposts or lights in your flower garden offer visual appeal while doubling as a security measure.

Plant Thorny Bushes

It's common for burglars to attempt to enter a home through windows, and while security bars or shatter-proof film can be effective, you can dust off your green thumb and plant some thorny bushes around any windows that you feel could be accessible. This list typically includes ground-floor and basement windows. Although there are many types of bushes that have unpleasant thorns, roses are an ideal choice because of their visual appeal. By planting rose bushes or other thorny bushes around the perimeter of your home as needed, you're increasing the home's security while also beautifying it.

For information about video surveillance, click here.

About Me

Learning About Security Systems

Hello, my name is Yon Goodwell. I would like to talk to you about security systems for your home. Security systems often seem like an unnecessary luxury for people living in relatively safe areas. These systems offer a lot of utility beyond simply keeping the home secure from break in attempts. The system streamlines the process of locking up the home before leaving. The panel can be used to feel secure while home alone at night. Furthermore, many systems also send an alert when there is a fire or other emergency at the home to secure quick intervention from professionals. I hope you will visit my site often to learn more about security systems.

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