Questions To Ask Before You Take A "Free" Security System From A Door To Door Salesperson

If a security salesperson knocks at your door, offering you a "free" security system, you may be wondering what you should do. Keep in mind that the offer of a "free" system is not that rare, and don't get pressured into a quick sale. Take your time and ask the sales rep the following questions:

1. What devices come with the "free" system?

Most "free" systems only include the basics, but in most cases, this is enough to provide your home with a basic level of security. For example, a free system could include a couple of detectors for doorways as well as a motion detector and a central control board.

2. How much does it cost to upgrade the system?

Ask for a catalog of security devices so that you can review the costs of extra equipment. You need to know how much it is going to cost to fully secure your home.

3. How long is the monitoring contract?

In order to qualify for most "free" systems, you usually have to sign up for monitoring. Find out if the company requires a contract and if so how long.

4. How many monitoring stations do you have and what is their up time?

Unfortunately, if you deal with a small monitoring company, that company may not have enough monitoring stations to handle a high volume of calls. Make sure that the system you select is backed by an ample number of monitoring stations, and make sure the company has a proven track record of 99 percent uptime.

5. Can this system be monitored by another company?

If you decide to change security companies down the road, you want equipment that can be handled by the new company. Check out the versatility of the system before you buy it.

6. Do you have apps that allow me to monitor my home while on the go?

Having remote access to your home can be invaluable. When connected to security cameras, remote monitoring allows you to actually see what is happening in and around your home when you are not there. In other cases, apps can be connected to door locks so that you can lock the doors remotely if you forget.

Once you have gotten the answers to these questions, tell the salesperson that you need a few days to think it over. Use that time to research alternative systems and check out reviews online at sites like Alarm Reviews.

About Me

Learning About Security Systems

Hello, my name is Yon Goodwell. I would like to talk to you about security systems for your home. Security systems often seem like an unnecessary luxury for people living in relatively safe areas. These systems offer a lot of utility beyond simply keeping the home secure from break in attempts. The system streamlines the process of locking up the home before leaving. The panel can be used to feel secure while home alone at night. Furthermore, many systems also send an alert when there is a fire or other emergency at the home to secure quick intervention from professionals. I hope you will visit my site often to learn more about security systems.

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